Printer Friendly Version CEFTA Chairmanship 2017 Republic of Serbia @ 3 February 2017 10:29 AM

The Mission of the Republic of Serbia to the EU, Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Serbia and the CEFTA Secretariat organized a panel in Brussels on 1 February 2017 dedicated to the presentation of the CEFTA Chairmanship priorities of Serbia. Ambassador Ana Hrustanović in her welcoming remarks has emphasized the importance of CEFTA market for the Serbian economy. CEFTA is the second trade partner of Serbia with the participation in total trade with the world of about 11%. Serbia's presidency will be focused on the consolidation and strengthening the implementation of CEFTA and will provide us the opportunity to insist on the adoption of the new decisions and agreements such as the adoption of the Protocol on Trade in Services and the Protocol on Trade Facilitation. List of speakers has also included Ms. Bojana Todorovic, Chair in Office, CEFTA and Assistant Minister of Trade, Tourism and Telecommunications, Mr. Umut Ergezer, Acting Director of CEFTA Secretariat and Mr. Nenad Djurdjevic, Director of the International affairs, Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Serbia.